Classes and Events

Reiki Healing Attunement with Sound Bath

A Reiki Healing Attunement is a process that allows you to receive Reiki Energy. It is transformative experience that connects the practitioner to universal energy.

You will be asked to set a healing intention for the session. During the attunement process, the Reiki Master opens your chakras and channels allowing powerful, high frequency Reiki energy to flow through them. The process aims to heal and balance the energy removing any blockages that you may be holding due to past trauma that no longer serves you.

This Reiki energy is combined with Sound Therapy that interacts with the fifth layer of our Aura called the Etheric Template.  The Etheric Template is the blueprint of our physical bodies. Sound Healing reorganizes and heals this layer creating a domino effect to all the layers below it. The combination of the two bring more love and light to our bodies. Allowing healing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

You will remain seated during the process. After the session you will be asked to journal your experiences. The practitioner will provide individual feedback as we share in a group setting.

Cost: $30.00

New Moon Manifestation Board

June 7th- 6:30-8:00pm

A vision board is a visual tool used to help individuals clarify, concentrate on, and maintain focus on specific life goals. It's essentially a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of one's dreams and desires. Vision boards can take various forms, but they all serve the same primary purpose: to inspire and motivate the person who creates it.

June 6th is the new moon! The new moon is a time of new beginnings, reset, and potential for growth and transformation. The energy associated with the new moon is that of starting fresh and setting intentions. Vision boards are a fun, creative way to set your intentions. All supplies will be included, although if you have any very specific intentions you are welcome to bring your own images.

Cost: $20

Please text Maddie - 412-651-1644 to confirm your spot

Group Past Life Regression Session

During a group Past Life Regression Session, you will be laying comfortably on a mat. You are welcome to bring a pillow, blanket or anything else that may assist in your comfort.

You will be guided by a trained practitioner who will help you to access your subconscious mind. This therapeutic technique will allow you to access past events or past lives through hypnosis and deep relaxation.

The purpose of this exploration is to gain a deeper understanding of your soul’s journey which aims to bring clarity and understanding to your present circumstances. Allowing you to release certain behaviors, understand current relationships and other obstacles that you may be currently facing today.

As you are guided back through these experiences you may recall vivid details, emotions and events from previous incarnations. These memories will provide insight into your current lifetime including patterns, fears and unresolved issued.

After the guided session you will be allotted time to capture your experience in your journal and share with the group if you wish to do so.

Cost: $30.00