Our Healing Modalities
Reiki is a method of healing that assists in balancing and restoring the body’s natural energy system. You will notice changes in your overall physical and mental health as well as in your attitude and your ability to handle stress. Reiki is available in individual sessions, group sessions, and practitioner training classes.
Hypnotherapy submerges you into your own subconscious to discover more about yourself and uncover reasons for traits that are not noticeable to the conscious self. Hypnotherapy can be used for current-life regression, past-life regression, weight loss, and smoking cessation.
Sound Therapy
Sound Therapy is a form of healing that will help bring natural balance back to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. It fine-tunes the body to the cellular level to rid the body of depression, disease, aches, and pains. Sound Therapy allows you to function in ways you never dreamed possible.
Meditation is a means of transforming the mind; if we can change the way we think about our world, it can radically change the way we see our lives, ourselves, and others. Research shows that meditation for just 10 minutes twice a day is linked to lower blood pressure and improved heart functioning-and that is just the beginning.
Sound Bath
Our sound healing practitioner will facilitate the experience of producing sound by various sources such as the gong, singing bowls, percussion instruments, chimes, rattles, tuning forks and maybe even a few rolling “oms”.
Akashic Records
Akashic Records are the records of all your experiences as a soul from past, present, and future. Readings will assist you in removing blocks that can cause fear, depression, and anxiety. You will gain insight into yourself in this life and what your purpose may be.
Access Bars
Access BARS Therapy is the locating and gentle touches to 32 points on the head that hold your current ideas and beliefs about yourself. These points will release anything that holds you back from experiencing joy and confidence in your life. Access BARS has changed many lives and reversed unwanted habits, such as negativity, mental chatter, stress, overeating, and more.
In-Home Healing Attunements Sessions
Enjoy a healing session in the comfort of your own home with your friends and family. These powerful healing sessions focus on removing energy blocks that is keeping you “stuck”. The practitioner facilitates removal of this block during the ceremony. Allowing your energy to flow freely which facilitates healing. Each participant will receive an intuitive message. Participants should bring a journal.
Spinal Energetics
Spinal Energetics is a gentle, yet powerful healing modality blending Eastern and Western philosophies to get to the root of the issue and bring us back into balance. As a Spinal Energetics Practitioners, we interact with the spine, nervous system, and energetic layers to release emotion, stress, trauma, and tension that has accumulated over time and been stored in the body.