
Channeling positive affirmations to the body’s meridians to create a life you love.

What is Tapping?

Tapping Therapy was invented to encourage emotional healing and positive thinking for those who have experienced trauma or an endless cycle of negativity.

There are two types of tapping at InnerSense; Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping and Thought Field Therapy. Both involve tapping points of energy meridians located around the body while simultaneously thinking or saying positive affirmations out loud.

This releases tension promotes a deeper mind-body connection and reduces symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress. Paired with positive affirmations, you will experience a cleared and uplifted energy flow in your body and manifest your affirmations into real life.

What can I expect from a Tapping Session?

The session will last about an hour. Our trained practitioners will take the first few minutes to discuss your energy blocks, aspirations, comfortability levels with taps, the best affirmations for you and if you want them said aloud or not.

Emotional Freedom Technique is saying affirmations aloud during tapping.

Thought Field Therapy is thinking with positivity and intention.

You will work with a practitioner who will guide you through positive affirmations that deal with your specific and personal concerns. Together you will say or think statements to help clear and change the energy flow in your body.

At the end, the practitioner will share any messages they may have received during the session. It is recommended that you bring a journal to capture any thoughts or messages from the session.

How often is Tapping Recommended?

Tapping is recommended as often as an individual wants it. It has been shown to greatly improve positive thinking and healthy manifestations in the lives of individuals. Positive thinking can be challenging, especially when life gets tough. Tapping is a sure way to practice positive thinking until it becomes a healthy habit in one’s everyday life.